Thursday, June 12, 2008

Service Learning Reflection

The Three Levels of Reflection

The Mirror

This year for Service Learning my group was the Fundred Dollar Bill. Through my experience doing this we didn’t do anything really. I have more empathy for volunteer because it made me feel more sorry for the people in New Orleans. Nothing really alters my values or sense of community. It never challenged my prejudice because I don’t have any.

The Microscope

If I were in charge of the Fundred Dollar Bill I would have been more on top of things because we didn’t accomplish anything. I found out the man that started the Fundred Dollar bills was an artist. I feel we didn’t have any success in the Fundred Dollar Bill. We needed to go to Ballard Sphar to show is power point about Fundred Dollar Bill to get the green printing paper.

The Binoculars

Our three biggest issues that create problems that our service is trying to address are no one really cares, not enough people want to help, and we need more input. I can’t really change anything by myself because you need a BIG group to make a difference. I think the Fundred Dollar Bill should be nation because we need everyone’s’ input.

My Grade for Myself

I kept my attention towards the program the full period and I can remember most of what I learned.
I was there all of the days of service learning and on time for all events.
I think I was late to one service learning.
I was mostly on task and was always respectful of others.
I had research and other material ready for some of the meetings. I research, and post other materials on my blog.

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